Vertical Articulation at it's best with 2 amazing teachers. Kindergarten & First Grade Learning Walks are underway! The most valuable resources that teachers have are each other...@hazletproud @jenmartins73 @mrsmastersonk @MissArecchi
Will the groundhog see his shadow tomorrow? Mrs. Pericas's class made some predictions today! @hazletproud
Thank you PTO for an amazing February Birthday Bulletin Board!
Happy Birthday, Little Love Monsters! #hazletproud @hazletproud @sdspto
Lunar New Year celebration in Mrs. Masterson's Kindergarten! @hazletproud @mrsmastersonk
Please find information on a webinar featuring Internet Safety in the attached flier.
Please join us for this informative event about Cyber Safety.
Snowflake Spool Painting in Preschool! #hazletproud #sensoryplay @hazletproud
Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate! #hazletproud
The Who's Down in Whoville... liked Christmas a lot! Meet the Sycamore Drive Whos! #hazletproud #grinchie @teamd4rene
Grinch Day! We did it! We grew the grinch's heart! #hazletproud #grinchie
Sycamore Drive will accept registrations for the 2023-2024 school year for Preschool & Kindergarten beginning January 3, 2023. Welcome to Hazlet Township Public Schools! #hazletproud
Sycamore Drive students are helping the Grinch grow his heart in time for Christmas! Each day, students will show the Grinch how to be kind. Today we gave each other compliments. #hazletproud @teamd4rene
Please use our new Sycamore Drive attendance email to report your child's absences. Thank you!
#hazletproud @hazletproud
Sycamore Drive Staff Holiday Party 2022! So fortunate to work with such an amazing group of individuals!
Students in Preschool love learning in Mrs. Kaminski's class! Congratulations to Mrs. Kaminski. She is the Sycamore Drive Teacher of the Year 2022!! @Teamd4rene @hazletproud
Lunch with the Principal. Lucky Auction prize winners! @sdspto #hazletproud
Sycamore Drive's Biggest Fundraiser of the Year was a great success. Thank you PTO and all who attended. #hazletproud @Teamd4Rene @sdspto
During WIN K students work independently matching upper and lower case letters. Then, they write the letters for accountability and formative assessment! #WIN #hazletproud
The farmer is so confused. Where are all the turkeys for Thanksgiving? #gobblegobble #hazletproud
What I Need, WIN small group intervention in Kindergarten. Teachers, THANK YOU for your hard work and dedication. I am one lucky principal. #hazletproud #win