Letter from the Principal

Dear Beers Street Families,

School is closed tomorrow, Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th. 

Next week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. We have positive activities planned throughout the week and theme days planned as well. You can see the theme days here.

The Raritan High School Drama Club would like to extend invitations to two upcoming events: Backstage with the cast and crew of Mean Girls - a night for kids to see everything it takes to put on a musical and lunch with the Mean Girls cast. Learn about backstage with the cast and crew of Mean Girls here. Learn about lunch with the Mean Girls cast here.

Sometimes in the morning the car drop-off line extends out of the parking lot onto Beers Street. We open the school doors at 8:00 AM. Limiting your drop-off time between 8:00 and 8:10 AM would help to alleviate any congestion. Please refrain from entering the drop-off line prior to 8:00 AM. Hopefully this way we can keep the line moving and prevent any traffic jams out onto Beers Street. Thank you!

Attention 6th grade parents: You may submit a short message congratulating your child, wishing them luck next year and have it featured in the yearbook. You can submit up to four messages per child. Each message costs $5.00. The deadline is March 28th. Learn more here.

When emailing the school nurse about your child's absence, please send the email to bssattendance@hazlet.org. You may also report absences by calling nurse Pat Raphael at (732) 264-1107, ext. 3003.

Have a great weekend!


Ian Collis
