Letter from the Principal

Dear Beers Street Families,

In the morning the car drop-off line can sometimes extend out of the parking lot onto Beers Street. We open the school doors at 8:00 AM. Limiting your drop-off time between 8:00 and 8:10 AM would help to alleviate any congestion. Please refrain from entering the drop-off line prior to 8:00 AM. Hopefully this way we can keep the line moving and prevent any traffic jams out onto Beers Street. Thank you!

Attention 6th grade parents: You may submit a short message congratulating your child, wishing them luck next year and have it featured in the yearbook. You can submit up to four messages per child. Each message costs $5.00. The deadline is March 28th. Learn more here.

SEPAG shared a new message for families. You may see it here. 

When emailing the school nurse about your child's absence, please send the email to bssattendance@hazlet.org. You may also report absences by calling nurse Pat Raphael at (732) 264-1107, ext. 3003.

Enjoy the weekend!


Ian Collis
