Letter from the Principal

Dear Beers Street Families,

Congratulations, and thank you to Mrs. Vina’s homeroom! They raised the most money for the PTO Silly String-O-Ween fundraiser and got to silly-string me at the dance today. Thank you, PTO and Beers Street community, for your generous contributions!

Halloween is this Thursday, October 31st, and students are encouraged to wear costumes to school. We are having a Halloween Costume Contest. Prizes will be awarded for the best, most original, scariest, and funniest costumes. Please follow the dress code and note the following to ensure a fun and safe day. Apparel with offensive, profane, or inappropriate messages or images will not be permitted. This includes masks, toy weapons, or revealing clothing. Please do not bring snacks or candy to school. 

The Raritan High School Drama Club would like to extend invitations to two upcoming events:

Backstage with the Cast and Crew of “Midsummer Jersey” - a night for kids to see everything it takes to put on a show. 

Swiftie Night - a birthday celebration of all things Taylor Swift.

Click the links for flyers and permission slip information. 

Rockets Basketball Fall Break Clinic for grades 4 - 8 is Monday, November 4th, from 9:00 AM - 12:00. The cost is $30. Here's the registration link and a link to the flyer

Please take a moment to nominate one of our Beers Street teachers for the Governor's Educator of the Year award. Here's a link to the Nomination Form. Completed Nomination Forms should be returned to the main office by Friday, November 15th. Thank you! 

Picture Re-Take Day is Friday, November 22nd. 

Beers Street School PTO membership is $10 per family, but all monetary donations are greatly appreciated. Dues can be paid via Venmo- @BeersStreetPTO. Please include your child's first name, last name, and teacher in the message box. Dues can also be paid by sending in cash or a check. Checks should be made out to "Beers Street PTO."

We encourage staff and students to wear Bulldog green on Fridays for school spirit. You may also purchase spirit wear here.

When emailing the school nurse about your child's absence, please send the email to bssattendance@hazlet.org. You may also report absences by calling nurse Pat Raphael at (732) 264-1107, ext. 3003.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ian Collis
