Letter from the Principal

May 10th, 2024

Dear Beers Street Families,

Thank you PTO for such a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week!! The incredible team at Beers Street truly appreciated everything!

Permission slips for the 6th grade field trip to the Manasquan Reservoir were sent home this week. The day includes a nature walk, wildlife exhibit, pontoon boat ride, and science experiment. The trip is scheduled for Friday, May 24th. Please return the permission slip and the pontoon boat release form by this Tuesday, May 14th. You may also find the permission slip and boat tour release form here.

NJSLA state testing continues next week. Please do everything possible to ensure your child is present and on time for school. We encourage students to eat breakfast and get a good night's rest so they are ready to do their best.

The spring concert is this Friday, May 17th, at 1:30 PM. Doors open at 1:10 PM. The entire 5th grade class will perform, along with our 5th and 6th grade band members. 

Attention 5th Grade Parents: If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook for your child, please click the link here and follow the instructions. The deadline to place your order is May 15th. Reminder: The PTO is graciously purchasing a yearbook for all 6th grade students. 

When emailing the school nurse about your child's absence, please send the email to bssattendance@hazlet.org. You may also report absences by calling nurse Pat Raphael at (732) 264-1107, ext. 3003.

Have a great weekend!


Ian Collis
