District Overview
Hazlet Township Public School District
Hazlet Township is a suburban community of approximately 21,000 residents located in Monmouth County in the coastal region of central New Jersey. The school community is a preschool through twelfth grade district comprised of almost 2,700 students. Our schools consist of an early child learning center for preschool and kindergarten, three first through fourth grade schools, two departmentalized schools serving students in grades five and six, one middle school and one high school.
Our entire school community is committed to developing the unique abilities of each child. We strive to inspire our students to achieve personal excellence, as well as to realize his/her full potential. It is our desire that each student will become a lifelong learner and ultimately, a productive citizen of our community, State and Country.
Middle States Accreditation:
The Hazlet Township School District is District-wide accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. Currently, we remain the only school district in Monmouth County to achieve this prestigious distinction.
District Goals:
Academic Excellence
Highly Effective Professional Staff
Effective Communication with all Stakeholders
The Hazlet Township Public School District vision is one where:
Students are actively engaged in developing twenty-first century skills.
Communication among our community of learners is open and engaging.
Rigor, relevance, and relationships are the cornerstone of our daily practice.
Data-informed decision-making guides our path to continuous improvement.
Challenging programs and relevant learning opportunities are provided for our community of learners.
Active collaboration occurs with partners in Pre K-16 institutions, businesses, and community organizations on a local, regional, national, and global level.
Staff members are committed towards achieving high expectations for themselves and our students and model the skills needed to inspire students to maximize their achievement.
To support our vision, the District is committed to providing students with optimal school-based learning experiences and affording our teachers with significant opportunities for professional development. Workshops that provide sustained professional growth are offered throughout the school year in targeted areas to address curricular changes, State requirements, standards, and current educational research on best instructional practices.
Each curriculum offering in the Hazlet Township School District is designed to implement the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and includes a scope and sequence aligned with the State standardized assessments. Our academic programs encompass the following: Language Arts Literacy includes all areas of communication and fosters a love of writing and literature through various novels and a Writer’s Workshop approach incorporating the “Fundamentals of Writing” by Schoolwide. Mathematics incorporates an inquiry-based instructional model that emphasizes the importance of understanding numerical concepts, problem solving skills, abstract reasoning, and higher-order thinking skills. Social Studies incorporates model citizenship with a study of history in a manner that reflects the personal, cultural and social experiences of our students. Science provides our students with a hands-on, highly motivating inquiry-based approach to learning. Technology is integrated throughout all curricular areas and plays a vital role in our District’s vision and mission. The visual and performing arts, health and physical education, and the District’s extensive extracurricular programs enable our students to display their talents in a variety of settings and enhance their thinking, problem solving and physical skills.
The Board of Education works collaboratively with teachers, administrators, and our school community stakeholders to develop programs that allow students to excel, while improving safety and maintaining an overall environment that fosters the learning and development of Hazlet’s students. The continued success of the Hazlet Township Public School District is made possible by quality instruction, strong curricula, talented teachers, committed leadership, and parents, students, and community support.
Core Beliefs:
Environment impacts learning.
High expectations promote high achievement.
Communities benefit when people act responsibly and respectfully.
Education is a partnership among students, families, educators and the community.
Commitment of resources to public education provides long-term benefits to society.
Continuous improvement is achieved by promoting and managing change effectively.
All students are capable of ongoing educational growth and behavioral improvement.
Professional development that is personalized is a core tenet for creating highly effective staff.