District Mission Statement
Our Mission
Educating our students…to achieve their maximum potential.
In the pursuit of excellence, the Hazlet Township Public School District, through a rigorous academic program with high expectations, will provide students with opportunities that lead them to become responsible, independent-thinking, global citizens. The school community will implement this vision through ongoing and honest self-reflection with a commitment to continuous improvement.
Academic Excellence
Highly Effective Professional Staff
Effective Communication with all Stakeholders
The Hazlet Township Public School District vision is one where:
Students are actively engaged in developing twenty-first century skills.
Communication among our community of learners is open and engaging.
Rigor, relevance, and relationships are the cornerstone of our daily practice.
Data-informed decision-making guides our path to continuous improvement.
Challenging programs and relevant learning opportunities are provided for our community of learners.
Active collaboration occurs with partners in Pre K-16 institutions, businesses, and community organizations on a local, regional, national, and global level.
Staff members are committed towards achieving high expectations for themselves and our students and model the skills needed to inspire students to maximize their achievement.
Core Beliefs
Environment impacts learning.
High expectations promote high achievement.
Communities benefit when people act responsibly and respectfully.
Education is a partnership among students, families, educators and the community.
Commitment of resources to public education provides long-term benefits to society.
Continuous improvement is achieved by promoting and managing change effectively.
All students are capable of ongoing educational growth and behavioral improvement.
Professional development that is personalized is a core tenet for creating highly effective staff.