"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand." - Chinese Proverb

The Sycamore Drive PTO is an organization united in its efforts to support the educational experiences of our children. Our PTO works with the community, the staff and the administration to make a difference in the children's lives. Throughout the year, the PTO conducts various fundraisers to provide assemblies, special events and non-budget item/supplies to enrich our children's learning environment.
All families are encouraged to join and support our PTO. Volunteers for the special events and activities are welcome. Some of these activities include the Someone Special Dance, Pumpkin Patch, Cookies with Santa, Field Day, Book Fairs, Holiday Shop, End of Year Celebrations and many others. We look forward to your participation. Our community - the parents, the staff and the administration- work to make a difference in the lives of our children.
Vanessa Lalevee
Vice President
Kaitlin Vacirca
Ashley Whitehead
PTO Contact sdspto@hazlet.org

We would love to hear from you!
Please forward any questions, comments or suggestions you might have to us at sdspto@hazlet.org
or find us on Facebook at Sycamore Drive ECLC PTO