Principal's Message

John - Principal

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!  I am excited to be joining the Raritan Valley School Community! As principal, it is a sincere pleasure to collaborate with the dedicated staff to provide an excellent educational experience for students. Our goal is to cultivate a nurturing environment that meets student’s individual academic and social needs.

Raritan Valley School offers a balanced curriculum providing all students with knowledge in the following content areas: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Art, Spanish, Music, and Technology Skills.

Our school community inspires and motivates students to be lifelong learners and caring contributors to the world around them. Teachers, support staff, family, community members, and administration all play an integral role in promoting student success.

A strong partnership between home and school fosters a cohesive and supportive environment for student growth. Parents are invited to become involved in our PTO. Please browse the PTO page on our school website.

I look forward to an exciting and successful school year! Follow me on twitter @RVSPrincipal_ and Instagram mrvona_rvs_principal

Anthony Vona
732-264-1333 ext. 7001


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