Academy of Health Careers

Application Deadline: October 4, 2024
Academy of Health Careers
In 2016, Raritan began its partnership with the Rutgers University School of Health Professions and implemented its college courses into our very own Academy of Health Science Careers This is a credit by examination program where students aim to qualify for and pass end of course exams, given by Rutgers. We began our first year offering Dynamics of Health Care and Anatomy and Physiology I. We developed a systematic approach to guide the program, its courses and our students to maximize the opportunities we could provide for them. We established a relationship with many local health care facilities where our students complete volunteer internships as a part of the program. We are currently in year nine and have implemented additional courses into the program, including Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology II and Scientific Principles of Nutrition . We have been thrilled with the level of interest and motivation coming from the students who have entered the program. It has been a truly rewarding opportunity to guide students in a field that genuinely interests them and provide them with college level course work and experiences that will benefit them in their futures beyond Raritan.
Raritan High School Academy of Health Careers Scholar Project
Goal: To recognize students who are enrolled in the Rutgers School of Health Profession courses. Students who achieve this will be recognized as Distinguished Scholars. This will be reflected on the students’ transcripts and celebrated at graduation with regalia and recognition.
Criteria for Distinguished Scholars: Students have to successfully complete three Rutgers School of Health Profession courses with a 73 average or higher (Dynamics of Healthcare must be one of these three), complete 30 hours of clinical experience/volunteer work in a local healthcare facility and be an active member of our Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) club.
Recognition: Students who satisfy these requirements will be noted in the Graduation Ceremony Program and receive a red sash to be worn on their graduation gown.