Principal's Message

Renie Egan

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."- Walt Disney

Walt Disney  

Middle Road School is a child-centered Elementary School (Grades 1-4) that offers a balanced academic curriculum and a number of varied social learning activities for our students. The district-wide comprehensive curriculum is continually being aligned to the New Jersey Department of Education Core Curriculum Content Standards. The basic academic curriculum includes Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Art, Spanish, Vocal Music, and Technology Skills.  Qualified students also receive services in our Resource Center and Enrichment Programs.  Our media center, computer room, and all classrooms have internet access. Social Emotional Learning is interwoven into the curriculum areas throughout the entire school year. Our 4th-grade students can join the Safety Patrol or morning announcers.

Continuous in-service training of our teachers keeps the staff abreast of the latest teaching methodology and strategies. We believe that high expectations promote high achievement. We strive to develop our students into confident learners who will exhibit the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in our ever-changing society. Our dedicated staff takes pride in addressing a wide variety of students’ needs so that each child has the opportunity to learn in a positive and safe environment.

During the school year, Middle Road students, staff, and parents have the opportunity to participate in a variety of special programs and activities. These varied activities include Back to School Night, Fire Safety Programs, Fall Pumpkin Patch, Winter and Spring Concerts, Read Across America Day, STEAM fair, Field Day, Book Fair, Holiday Shop, 100th Day of School Celebration, an outdoor multi-sensory Science Garden, and assembly programs.

The goal of Middle Road School is to provide the best possible educational experience for each and every student. It is important to us to provide a solid educational foundation for our students to reach their full academic potential. At Middle Road School, we put “Children First.”


Renie Egan

Principal of Middle Road Elementary School
