Welcome to Miss Vurchio's First Grade Class!

My name is Marina Vurchio and I will be your child’s first grade teacher this year! I graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2021 with my Bachelors in Psychology through FDU’s honors program. I then continued my schooling, receiving my Masters of Arts in Teaching, receiving New Jersey certifications for teaching, both in K-6 general education and K-12 special education as well! Over the past two years at Lillian Drive School I have taught second grade and 3rd and 4th grade special education. I am so excited to be teaching first grade for the first time this year!

Trevi fountain in Italy

Fun facts about me!

This will be my third year teaching at Lillian Drive School! 

I’m a total dog person and I got my own puppy last year. Her name is Capri!

I grew up in Hazlet and went through this school district for 13 years! Now I work with some of my past teachers!